IOE Syllabus of Bachelor in Computer Engineering (BCT)
Bachelor of Computer Engineering IOE BCT Syllabus, New Course which is Updated Syllabus (2066), Course Contents for Institute of Engineering (IOE) including affiliated Engineering Colleges / Academic Institutions affiliated to Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal.
First Year First Part
- Mathematics I [SH401]
- Computer Programming [CT401]
- Engineering Drawing I [ME401]
- Engineering Physics [SH452]
- Applied Mechanics [CE451]
- Basic Electrical Engineering [EE451]
First Year – Second Part
- Mathematics II [SH451]
- Engineering Drawing II [ME451]
- Basic Electronics Engineering [EX451]
- Engineering Chemistry [SH403]
- Fundamental of Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [ME402]
- Workshop Technology
Second Year – First Part
- Mathematics III [SH501]
- Object Oriented Programming [CT 501]
- Electrical Circuit Theory [EE 501]
- Theory of Computation [CT 502]
- Electronics Devices and Circuit [EX 501]
- Digital Logic [EX 502]
- Electromagnetism [EX 503]
Second Year – Second Part
- Electrical Machine [EE 554]
- Numerical Method [SH 553]
- Applied Mathematics [SH 551]
- Instrumentation I [EE 552]
- Data Structure and Algorithm [CT 552]
- Microprocessor [EX 551]
- Discrete Structure [CT 551]
Third Year – First Part
- Communication English [EG604SH]
- Probability and Statistics
- Computer organization and Architecture (Read Chapter-wise Note – COA)
- Software Engineering
- Computer Graphic (Access Reference Note)
- Instrumentation II (Access Complete Notes)
- Data Communation (Access Important Questions)
Third Year – Second Part
- Engineering Economics [CE 655]
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design [CT 651]
- Artificial Intelligence [CT 653]
- Operating System [CT656]
- Embedded System [CT 655]
- Database Management System [CT 652]
- Minor Project
Fourth Year – First Part
- ICT Project Management
- Organization and Management [ME 708]
- Energy Environment and Society
- Distributed System
- Computer Networks and Security
- Digital Signal Analysis and Processing
- Elective I
- Project I
Fourth Year – Second Part Syllabus
- Engineering Professional Practice
- Information System
- Internet and Intranet
- Simulation and Modeling
- Elective II
- Elective III
- Project II
Elective Courses for Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering
Electives I Subjects Syllabus | |
1 | Data Mining and Ware housing |
2 | Web Development/Technology |
3 | Advanced Java Programming |
4 | Avionics |
5 | Image Processing and Pattern Recognition |
6 | Rader |
7 | Bio-Medical Instrumentation |
Elective II Subjects Syllabus | |
1 | Agile Software Development – CT 765 02 |
2 | Networking With IPV6 – CT 765 03 |
3 | Advanced Computer Architecture – CT 765 04 |
4 | Big Data Technologies – CT 765 07 |
5 | Optical Fiber Communication System – CT 765 01 |
6 | Broadcast Engineering – EX 765 03 |
7 | Wireless Communication – EX 765 04 |
8 | Database Management System – EX 765 06 |
Elective III Subjects Syllabus | |
1 | Multimedia System – CT 785 03 |
2 | Enterprise Application Design and Development – CT 785 04 |
3 | Geographical Information System – CT 785 07 |
4 | Power Electronics – EE 785 07 |
5 | Remote Sensing – CT 785 01 |
6 | XML : Foundations, Techniques and Applications – CT 785 05 |
7 | Artificial Intelligence – CT 785 06 |
8 | Speech Processing – CT 785 08 |
9 | Telecommunication EX 785 03 |
Bro enginner banisakyaho?

Can you please provide me with the pdf version of bct syllabus. It would be a lot easier for me to print those all once. Thanks
Will do that soon.
can u plz upload syllabus for agile software development(elective 2)
Here it is:
thank u
Thanks bro
would you mention the credit gained in each subjects.
can u plz provide me syllabus for multimedia system
isnt there mobile computing in elective?
could you please ipload the syllabus for Bio Medical Instrumentation
OKAY done boraat !!
May I get notes of DSAP
Could You also please provide the old syllabus before the revision on 2066.
Can you say about the laptop necessary for a computer engineer?? like which processor, what amt of ram, hdd??? this would be really helpful
Great website brother for engineering students!!!
the coa notes page and instrumentation notes page directs to the same page
How do I convert these syllabus to ECTS or study hour. Can I have a detailed syllabus of BCT with all subject study hours?
I need BME syllabus is pdf version. Please give me if anyone has.
Thank you
I Really Appreciate Your efforts. Great site For IT and Engineering students
please provide the latest syllabus of electronics, communication and information engineering
respected seniors!!! Are you satisfied with the BE computer course of IOE.
I’m confused whether to choose BE comp or CSIT. Anyone to clear my doubt. Is BE comp. course specific and upto the mark??
What did you chose?brother
2076 ko topper dai po hunu hudo raixa… ma ni yehi confusion maa aako thiye, khassai mann parena BE Computer ko course… fully hardware focused lagyo malai chai. CSIT tirai jaana parla jasto sochi rako xu aba ta
I’m +2 passed this year and yes, I’m also confused on this subject. Lots of unwanted courses, more of hardware and like of 60% electronics engineering.
Whats the cost of doing bachelor in computer engineering in ioe!?
lots of unnecessary subjects on the 1st year
Could you please upload the syllabus of Artificial Intelligence – CT 785 06 (8th semester elective III)
Plz send me +2syallbus in computer engineering faculty ….