IOE Syllabus of Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (BEL)

Electrical engineering deals with design, research, development, planning, manufacturing of various electrical instruments and devices. Electrical engineering also involves the exciting field of electronics and information technology. Wireless communication and the Internet are just a few areas electrical engineering has helped flourish, by developing better phones, more powerful computers, and high-speed modems.

1st Semester

  1. Engineering Mathematics I
  2. Computer Programming
  3. Engineering Drawing I
  4. Engineering Physics
  5. Applied Mechanics
  6. Basic Electrical Engineering

2nd Semester

  1. Mathematics II
  2. Engineering Drawing
  3. Basic Electronics Engineering
  4. Chemistry
  5. Fundamental of Thermodynamics
  6. Workshop Technology

3rd Semester

  1. Mathematics III
  2. Object Oriented Programming
  3. Electric Circuit Theory
  4. Electrical Engineering Material
  5. Electronics Devices and Circuits
  6. Digital Logic
  7. Electromagnetic

4th Semester

  1. Electrical Machine I
  2. Numerical Method
  3. Applied Mathematics
  4. Instrumentation I
  5. Power System Analysis I
  6. Microprocessor

5th Semester

  1. Communication English
  2. Probability and Statistic
  3. Control System
  4. Instrumentation II
  5. Power System Analysis II
  6. Electrical Machine Design
  7. Electrical Machine II

6th Semester

  1. Engineering Economics
  2. Digital Control System
  3. Signal Analysis
  4. Switchgear and Protection
  5. Industrial Distribution and Illumination
  6. Hydro Power

7th Semester

  1. Project Engineering
  2. Organization and Management
  3. Technology Environment and Society
  4. Power Electronics
  5. Utilization of Electrical Energy
  6. Elective I
  7. Power Plant Equipment
  8. Project (Part A)

8th Semester

  1. Engineering Professional Practice
  2. High Voltage Engineering
  3. Power Plant Design
  4. Transmission and Distribution Design
  5. Elective II
  6. Elective III
  7. Project (Part B)

Electives for Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (BEL)

• Reliability Engineering

• Energy Management System

• Rural Electrification

• Micro Hydro Power

• Advance Power System

• Applied Photovoltaic

• Bio-Medical Engineering

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  1. Kailash says:

    where is the description of the course? I can see the course description for other department but not for the EE.

  2. anjil says:

    details one plz

  3. Suresh yadav says:

    Please it is better to provide pdf syllabus in more details

  4. bibek budhathoki says:

    can someone please upload the necessary notes for SIGNAL ANALYSIS……… 1 year vaisakio eskai matra back deko…… 1 jana lai tution ni na padaudo rahe6 ….. can someone help me please……

  5. Swastika Pokharel says:

    Thank you 😊

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